• Cooking

    Kapuska – braised cabbage – with beef

    Kapuska is a Turkish dish that is braised cabbage, usually with tomatoes, roasted peppers, garlic and onions. I make many different versions of this dish depending on what I have at the time. You don’t need to include meat. Sometimes I just leave the meat out completely or add beans/chickpeas. Kapuska is great served with rice, potatoes, pickles, salad, cous cous or with bread – all probably not that traditional, but tasty!

  • Growing

    Sowing Chilli Seeds

    Chillies like a long growing season. They are the first plants that I start and just about the only seeds I sow before mid-end of Feb. I always plan to sow my chillies between Boxing Day and New Year – it can give you a break from the festivities and is a great way to grab an hours peace and get the new growing season started! This year it didn’t happen, but I thought I better get my act together and get the chillies going.

    Here I discuss how we start our chilli seeds and the varieties we will be growing this year.

  • Growing

    When to start sowing?

    At this time of year there is always lots of talk on social media about ‘when to start sowing”. If this is your first year growing veg it can be VERY confusing. There is guidance on the back of seed packets, but even this can be a very wide range of times! Kitchen gardeners are a very passionate bunch and we just want to get going. However starting very early usually isn’t the best approach!

    Here I discuss our planning schedule for the year to give you an example of a working plan to manage a vegetable garden.

  • Growing

    Making liquid plant feed from weeds

    I have been contemplating making a system for producing liquid plant feed from comfrey for quite some time (well instructing Ant to do so). As part of our generous prize for winning the Kitchen Garden Blog/Website of the Year 2019 competition we have been lucky enough to have recieved some goodies in the post. One of these items was a Hozelock Pure BioMix bucket. Whoop!

    Today we decided to get it out of the box and give this a try

  • Growing,  Making

    Plastic and Kitchen Gardening

    The Plastic Problem

    Although the first plastic was produced in 1907 it wasn’t until the 1950’s that plastic production became industrialised. In 2015 it was estimated that it was estimated there were 381 million tonnes of plastic produced globally. In 2018, plastic pollution became a hot topic – the so called ‘David Attenborough effect’

    How does plastic pollution fit with the ethos of Kitchen Gardening? What is the impact of plastic in the garden? Are there alternatives? As kitchen gardener’s what can we do to help?

  • Growing

    Happy New Year: Reflections for 2019

    Things never stand still in gardening. Every year, we plan to change structures, build new things and try new plants. The creativity of gardening is one of the things I really love. 2019 was no different! Developments have included, fitting an IBC tank for water storage, building polyhouse cloches over beds to grow heat-loving plants, installing another pond, building a brick bbq, a rockery and the latest challenge of completely taking apart the summerhouse to recycle and rebuild a larger structure. That last project is still underway!