• Making

    Projects for the Autumn

    We have found that if we want to get any ‘structural’ work done on the allotment it is best to use Autumn well. Once the wet weather really sets in rainy weekends can make full days of construction difficult. Spring is far from ideal for projects – you need to be planting so time spent in Autumn is very valuable.

    Compost bins reconstructed with new lids – completed over the last 2 weeks.
  • Making

    Inside the summerhouse

    The summerhouse is a new addition to the plot which was completed over Winter 2019. We had a smaller summerhouse, but decided to take it apart to build a slightly bigger one. With help from a fellow allotmenteer we used recycled the existing summerhouse and with additional materials created this little beauty. Everything was recycled where possible including the furnishings inside.

    Outside we still have a bit to finish on the roof and need to put cornerpieces on top of the cladding.