• Growing

    It’s March; what are we sowing?


    Today we made a few more sowings of early crops. In an earlier post we discussed our planting timeframes. Our main sowing spree is a good few weeks off, but we do have some things on the go. For crops to be sown now they need to be quite hardy to resist the low overnight temperatures which can be below zero celcius even in the greenhouse. We don’t have heat in the greenhouse.

  • Growing

    Second Cropping

    Second cropping is planting a second harvest in one area within the growing season. It makes the most of your space and extends the season. If done well you can supply fresh veggies for most of the year. In this video we discuss what we are sowing in mid July for planting out when early crops are harvested.

  • Cooking

    Courgette, pea & kale fritters with feta.

    Courgette fritters (of variations) are one of my favourite early summer treats. However, this year I am still waiting for courgettes!! Shocking really as usually I am swimming in them by now. The cold period in the end of May/early June meant that all my squash and courgette plants have been sulking. They are just starting to pick up now (finally!); maybe in a few weeks I can join the cries of other allotmenteers of “Oh no, not another courgette!”