Giant Cabbage Attempt
Mid Jan I started to think about starting the ‘giant cabbage’ seeds I had eagerly bought last year. I read the guide on ‘‘ and it seems I was a little late! Most growers start their seed in the autumn, however never dishearted I asked an expert for advice and was advised sowing in Jan would be fine! I am not expecting a World Recold holder here – the heaviest cabbage set in 2012 was over 68kg (138lb). This is just a bit of fun to see how big it grows with my modest effort of treating them well!
Kapuska – braised cabbage – with beef
Kapuska is a Turkish dish that is braised cabbage, usually with tomatoes, roasted peppers, garlic and onions. I make many different versions of this dish depending on what I have at the time. You don’t need to include meat. Sometimes I just leave the meat out completely or add beans/chickpeas. Kapuska is great served with rice, potatoes, pickles, salad, cous cous or with bread – all probably not that traditional, but tasty!
Red Cabbage Salad
Here I use leftover chutneys to make a fruity dressing for a cabbage salad.
Christmas at the Allotment
Home-grown veggies for the perfect Christmas Dinner, using your garden to decorate your home, the gift of growing, what to put on your your list to Santa and how to escape the chaos for a bit of allotment time. Here is Don’t Crop Me Now’s guide to a perfect Christmas at the Allotment!
Hungry gap
Yesterday I planted Autumn and Spring Brassicas plants that I bought from Cornish Cabbage Plants . The quality of the plants were superb! I have some more brassicas that are nearly ready to go out from my second cropping sowing attempts. Feeling positive that this year I will keep my crops coming throughout the winter and spring!