
Giant Cabbage Attempt

Giant cabbage seedlings pricked out into individual pots

Mid Jan I started to think about starting the ‘giant cabbage’ seeds I had eagerly bought last year. I read the guide on ‘‘ and it seems I was a little late! Most growers start their seed in the autumn, however never dishearted I asked an expert for advice and was advised sowing in Jan would be fine! I am not expecting a World Recold holder here – the heaviest cabbage set in 2012 was over 68kg (138lb). This is just a bit of fun to see how big it grows with my modest effort of treating them well!

The plan:
*Seeds sown 14/1/21 in coir plugs placed in a heated propagator.
*Once germinated taken off the heat and placed under grow lamps in the spare room.
*Prick out into individual small (3.5″) pots and transfer to the poly.
*Keep potting on until the plants are growing in 5 litre pots
*Plant one cabbage in 6x3foot bed removing the bottom few leaves to plant deeply with rotted horse manure in the planting hole.
*Feed monthly with chicken manure
*Construct a frame around the plant to support it as it grows and cover with environmesh to prevent butterfly and pigeon damage.

Due to the recent cold temperatures initially I have placed the seedlings on top of the hot bed in the polytunnel. Here you can see how warm this is. The surface temperature of the bed is a good 15-20C.

Wish me luck!