
Green bean & coconut pickle

I made this pickle using beans from last year’s crops that had been frozen. Within a couple of weeks I am expecting a mountain of beans to be ready at the allotment fresh! I would say this is a similar to a sweet piccalilly with the addition of a coconut flavour. Perfect with a BBQ or in a cheese butty!

*1.5kg of green beans (runner or french beans)
*5 medium onions
*75g desiccated coconut
*650ml malt vinegar (I used distilled malt) – save 50ml of this for creating the spice paste.
*1 tbs tumeric
*1/2 tbs english mustard powder
*1 tbs djoin mustard (alternatively you could add some mustard seeds)
*1 tsp salt
*1 tsp ground black pepper
*30g cornflower
*600g granulated sugar