
Brocolli-Lemon Bulgar Wheat salad

With a real glut of brocolli I have been getting as creative as possible to use this crop up – there is only so much soup a household can eat and we were getting pretty close to the brocolli soup limit!!

This salad can be served as a side or main. Would be lovely with some grilled chicken, fish or halloumi.

One side serving here is about 200g in weight or around one cup.

Bulgar wheat is a healthy source of carbs – high in fibre and protein too! It soaks up other flavours nicely so the garlic and lemon give the dish a nice zingy edge!

(to serve 8 as a side dish or 4 as a main)

240g bulgar wheat
1 pint stock (of your choice)
1kg brocolli
1 small white onion or a bunch of spring onions
2 cloves garlic, chopped
80ml lemon juice
Chopped parsley, mint & chives – or other herbs of your choice

1. Simmer brocolli in the stock for about 3-4 minutes under just under cooked.
2. Remove brocolli from stock, lemon juice, garlic and bulgar wheat. Simmer until the bulgar wheat is tender – about 15 to 20 minutes. The bulgar wheat should absorb the stock. Keep at eye on this and add a little extra water if needed.
3. Chop herbs, onion & brocolli finely (a food processor works well).
4. Allow the bulgar wheat to cool and then it into the other ingredients.

(as a side 1/8th of the recipe):
162 Kcal
2.4g Fat
0.7g Sat Fat
28.5g Carbs
3.6g Sugar
7.3g Fibre
8.9g protein