
The history of Plot 4

Plot 4 is our main plot. We have 2 other half plots (1b and 2b) and now the recently acquired 5b. Over the years we have also cultivated Plot 2a, Plot 5a, Plot 9 and Plot 11a. Plot 4 has been the only constant growing space since we took it on in July 2007! At that time we were looking for more space as we were growing on plot 9 only. There was a long waiting list, but plot 4 had been uncultivated for many years and most of the people on the list were not comfortable taking such a project on. One Sunday afternoon I agreed to take the plot and signed the contract. When I got home Ant wasn’t too impressed that I had taken on the project knowing how bad the plot was! However, I was not easily detered. In 2007 the waiting list was long. We were not going to get any other plot anytime soon!

It wasn’t really until I went and took a series of pictures that the task ahead sunk in!

At that time we were quite novice gardeners. We had been growing veg for 2 years – at home in pots and then on Plot 9, but I didn’t really have any experience with clearing uncultivated land! I did alot of research and decided that the approach I would take was to use a single application of glyphosphate and then dig the roots out. The was 2007 – no dig was unheard of on our ground and glyphosphate didn’t have anywhere near as much bad press as it does now. Would I take this approach again? The weedkiller – probably not! The digging – most probably initially to get the brambles etc out! There are many mixed views on this. Do your own research – analyse things critically, make up your own mind and do what is best for you!

Our the Winter 2007 and early Spring 2008 we worked on clearing the plot. For 2018 we had the top half of the plot in full cultivation. Getting the shed up was a priority. You can see the 5ft high pile of soil (and weeds) to the right of the shed that was originally completely covering the back end of the plot where the shed is sitting.

You can see the change over the next 2 years as the full plot becomes under cultivation.

The general layout of the main part of the plot has not changed that much over the years!

There has been quite a few changes at the back area of the plot. Over time we have realised that you do need some decent social/relaxation space if you spend as much time as we do at the plot. Gone are the days of squeezing into the little shed in a rain storm inbetween all the tools!

…and underway is the extension to the summerhouse for Spring 2020!

If you have just taken on an overgrown plot – you can do it!