
Sunflower seed give-away

Picture courtesy of

21/12/19 I decided to put a post on our Facebook group offering free Dwarf sunflower seeds to community growing groups. I had plenty of excess seeds so what could be better than sharing a bit of allotment love at Christmas time?

This year we decided to order a bulk load of dwarf sunflower seeds to share with friends and family at Christmas. In my typical seed buying frenzy I may have slightly over-estimated the number we should buy. Realistically, with the huge sack I have we would be in stock till about 2089!

I would like to offer to share with these with any community project that would benefit. Dwarf sunflowers are great for pollinators and they also make lovely cut flowers.

Let me know by commenting or sharing below and I will arrange sending up to 20 seed packages.

Don’t Crop Me Now Facebook Page

The response was amazing – so much that I decided the only fair thing to do would be to do a draw for the 20 packets of seeds.

Here are the winners
(chosen at random from comments on our Facebook post)

Sarah cliffe
Sarah Dodd
Jane Nesbitt
Redbank Assisted Living
Gerry John
Louise Freer
Debra Pryer
Linda Warriner
Nana Mal Beck
St Eval Community Land Project
Laura Piddington
Lauren Dotor Cespedes
Jacqui Turrell
Helen Lightfoot
Laura Jane
Vee Bee
Lucie Man
Maria Kimble
Ritti Gajree

I will get these posted out to you over the holidays. Happy Christmas!