
Online communities to share recipes

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We can all pick up a cook book or google a recipe, but there is something nice about finding (and sharing) those prized ideas that work for real people. Groups that share recipes online are everywhere. In many respects there are just too many to choose from!

Here are my top five Facebook groups where you can share your wonderful home cooking recipes.

Please note I have only included groups where the primary purpose of the group is cooking as opposed to growing. There are many great groups dedicated to growing (another blog post maybe…)

Here we go:

5. Carry on Courgettes
Literally dedicated to courgette recipes. This is a small group and not brilliantly busy, but it has some good ideas and who doesn’t need more recipes to use up courgettes if you grow your own veg?!

4. Preserving and Canning UK
Lots of ideas here and good advice to demystify ‘canning’. Nice to get a UK perspective on this as most groups are US based. Also great for sharing your frustration on the costs of canning jars and pressure canners!

3. Vegetarian Lifestyle UK
We are not vegetarian, but we do eat many vegetarian meals. Sensible when you have home-grown veg coming out of your ears! I am quite a fan of a vegetarian lifestyle, Anthony not quite so so we do compromise on this and eat probably 3 days a week of meat-based meals. This is a very large group with high numbers of daily posts for good ideas.

2. Feed yourself for a £1 a day
A real frugal cooking group. Lots of support here for people trying to eat well on low budgets. Whilst this is not directly related to cooking your own home-grown produce, take a browse and you may well be surprised at the number of tips you can gain to reduce your monthly budget and reduce food waste.

1. Allotment Cooks
This is my favourite group for sharing grow your own recipes. The group has been around for about 4 years, but has come a long way in that time. Very active and friendly, bear in mind that if you don’t currently have an allotment you will be tempted to sign up for one after browsing this group (very dangerous!).