Cooking,  Growing

A Cauliflower shortage? Cauliflower ‘steaks’ for dinner it is!

According to the BBC, Britain is experiencing a shortage of cauliflower due to extreme weather. “Heavy rainfall in June destroyed crops in Lincolnshire, and alternative European supplies wilted in July’s heatwave”

I have to say my cauliflowers have been very slow this year. The plants themselves looked well, but not much was happening in the development of the curds themselves. Then this weekend this beauty appeared (no, I mean the cauliflower…)

For dinner we cooked up a roasted cauliflower ‘steak’ with courgette, tomato & garlic cous cous and our fiery hot sauce as a dressing and roasted cashew nuts.

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a perfect specimen

According to Ant, a cauliflower ‘steak’ is an oxymoron, but it is a really tasty dish!

1. Roast cauliflower slices in an oven proof pan with a little oil, salt and pepper – cooking time depends on thickness, but 20 mins (ish at 175).
2. Cook cous cous by adding boiling water.
3. Saute tomatoes, courgettes and garlic in a pan with a little oil.
4. Stir in cous cous and season with lots of lime juice.
5. Plate up and drizzle with hot sauce and roasted cashew nuts to your own taste.