Allotment Spotting on Anglesey
For a long time, much to Ant’s annoyance, I have played a game of ‘Allotment spotting’ on every car journey we go on. This involves me loudly shouting ‘Allotment’ with any glimpse of non-commerical vegetable growing.
Last week we were on holiday on Anglesey. On Gardener’s World I had seen the Beaumaris Allotments featured and decided to contact the ground to see if we could have a look around.Piri-piri cauliflower with lemon-parsley cous cous
I have an abundance of parsley. When I say an abundance, I could literally have picked about 80 bunches this size! I am planning to freeze alot for use within the winter months, but I thought it was time to start adding large quantities to most meals for the next month! I had planned to serve this with halloumi, but I forgot to get it out of the freezer!
Piri piri cauliflower with lemon-parsley cous cous One of 80 possible bunches of parsley!